[ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip

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[ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » ds. nov. 06, 2021 9:09

L’exoficial de l’intel·ligència naval Thomas Magnum deixa el servei militar per fer-se investigador privat a la riba nord d’Oahu, Hawaii. S’estableix a la casa de convidats de l’escriptor multimilionari Robin Masters a canvi de portar el control de la seguretat de la mansió, però és forçat a treballar sota l’estricta i atenta mirada de Jonathan Higgins, un veterà de l’exèrcit britànic que s’encarrega d’administrar i patrullar la finca amb els seus “nois” Zeus i Apol·lo; dos dòbermans perfectament entrenats i preparats per saltar sobre en Magnum en el moment que se'ls hi ordeni.

En Magnum fa un bon us dels avantatges de treballar a la finca, com per exemple conduir el Ferrari 308 GTS vermell, l’Audi o el tot terreny Jimmy d’en Masters, com també utilitzar càmeres i telescopis d’última tecnologia. Evidentment, tots aquests caríssims joguets estan sota l’atent escrutini d’en Higgins, i en Thomas es veu sovint forçat a dures negociacions amb el veterà britànic ja que no se’n fia. Per això la despreocupació d’en Magnum xoca sovint amb en l’estricte Higgins, però el respecte mutu forma una base sòlida per la seva relació.

Dos dels seus antics companys i amics veterans de la guerra del Vietnam viuen i treballen a les rodalies. En T.C. Calvin és el propietari d’”Island Hoopers”, una companyia de viatges amb helicòpter, i el Rick Wright porta el Club Rei Kamehameha, un exclusiu club al costat de la platja. Les habilitats com a pilot d’en T.C. i el coneixement dels baixos fons d’en Rick els porta moltes vegades a involucrar-se en els casos d’en Magnum. Altres persones incloses dins del cercle d’en Magnum són els oficials de la marina Mac McReynolds, Maggie Pool i Buck Green; els oficials de la policia de Hawaii Nolan Page i Yoshi Tanaka; el doctor Ibold; l’amiga britànica d’en Higgins, Agatha Chumley; el contacte dins de l’hampa d’en Rick, Ice Pick; i l’ajudant del fiscal del districte, Carol Baldwin.

A en Robin Masters mai se l’ha vist, cosa que porta en Magnum a pensar que en Higgins és realment en Masters, tot i que la seva teoria mai ha estat demostrada.

La sèrie vas ser un gran èxit, amb les cinc primeres temporades dins del rànquing de les 20 sèries més vistes als Estats Units durant cada any. Tot això és gràcies a una gran varietat d’històries que van saber atraure molts fans. La sèrie oscil·la entre una basta comèdia o farsa, passant per escènes d'un profund dramatisme fins a moments d’una acció trepidant.

Magnum P.I. ha estat llargament aplaudida per ser la primera en reconèixer la dificultat dels veterans del Vietnam a l'hora d'adaptar-se a la vida civil. Molts capítols toquen l’impacte que va provocar en en Magnum i els seus amics haver servit al Vietnam, i també es fa ressó d'alguns fets de la Segona Guerra Mundial.

La sèrie va guanyar molts premis, inclosos alguns Emmys i Globus d’Or per Tom Selleck i John Hillerman.

Fitxa tècnica:
Títol: Magnum P.I.
Any de producció: 1980
Temporades: 8
Duració: 60 minuts (aprox.)
Pes en mb: 1-2 GB per capítol
Font vídeo: HDRip 1472x1080 (4:3)
Còdec vídeo: x265
Framerate: 23.976 fps
Font àudio: TDT (català) 128 kbps mono AAC + HDRip (anglès) 128 kbps mono AAC
Repartiment: Tom Selleck (Thomas Magnum), Larry Manetti (Rick Wright), John Hillerman (Jonathan Higgins), Roger E. Mosley (T.C. Calvin), Eugene Roche (Luther H. Gillis), Jeff MacKay (Mac Bonnick), Jeff MacKay (Mac MacReynolds), Elisha Cook Jr. (Ice Pick Hofstetler), Lance LeGault (Buck Greene), Marta DuBois (Michelle Hue), Michael Santiago (veu), Glenn Cannon (Dr. Ibold), Phyllis Davis (Cleo Mitchell), Kathleen Lloyd (Carol Baldwin), Jean Bruce Scott (Maggie Poole), Remi Abellira (Moki), Carmella Barut (Carmella), Kwan Hi Lim (Yoshi Tanaka), Patrick Bishop (Keoki), Elissa Dulce Hoopai (Rosine) i Gillian Dobb (Agatha Chumley).


Temporada I:

1x01+1x02 Don't Eat the Snow in Hawaii (Don't Eat the Snow in Hawaii)

1x03 Porcellana xinesa (China Doll)
En Magnum és contractat per una bonica antiquària xinesa per a que protegeixi un antic gerro de porcellana fins que el seu comprador arribi a Hawaii per recollir-lo.

1x04 Gràcies al cel per les nenes petites i per les grans també (Thank Heaven for Little Girls and Big Ones Too)
S'acosta el Nadal, i en contra de la seva voluntat, en Magnum accepta un cas de cinc joves estudiants per trobar el seu professor, qui sembla que ha desaparegut després d'enamorar-se.

1x05 No cal saber (No Need to Know)
Quan en Magnum torna d’un cas es troba que l’antic comandant d’en Higgins s’està a la finca d’en Masters sota una estreta seguretat fins que alguns membres de l’I.R.A., els quals va ajudar a capturar, siguin jutjats.

1x06 A flor de pell (Skin Deep)
Quan una bonica actriu és assassinada per un tret d’escopeta en un escenari similar a l'escena d’un guió de la pel·lícula en que estava treballant, acaba semblant un suïcidi. En Magnum és contractat pel productor i amant de l’actriu per investigar algun altre home que hagi estat veient-se amb ella abans de la seva mort.

1x07 Mai més, mai més (Never Again, Never Again)
Quan Saul i Lena, una parella que té una botiga al poble, pren una decisió sobtada de marxar del poble, aixeca sospites a en Magnum i en Rick, que són amics de la parella. Descobreixen que en Saul ha estat segrestat.

1x08 El gos més lleig de Hawaii (The Ugliest Dog in Hawaii)
En Higgins ofereix els serveis d’en Magnum per a protegir un gos d’una dona de l’alta societat després d’un intent de segrest. Sir Algernon Farnsworth aviat esdevé el gos més buscat de Hawaii, quan el seu anterior amo, el vell gàngster Victor DiGiorgio, el necessita recuperar.

1x09 Desaparegut en acte de servei (Missing in Action)
Una nova cantant del club Rei Kamehameha que afirma tenir percepció extrasensorial contracta en Magnum per trobar el seu amic d’infantesa Eric, un marine que va ser considerat “desaparegut en combat” des de 1972. La cantant comença a tenir visions d’ell.

1x10 No t'oblidaré mai (Lest We Forget)
En Magnum es contractat per un nominat a entrar al Tribuanl Suprem per buscar la dona amb qui s'havia casat fa quaranta anys, el 1941.

1x11 La maledicció del club Rei Kamehameha (The Curse of the King Kamehameha Club)
En Rick organitza una competició de surf de caiac al club Rei Kamehameha (tot i la desaprovació d’un dels seus membres, en Higgins) quan un “kahuna” apareix al club i el maleeix. L’assumpte s’agreuja quan comencen a succeir-se accidents al club. En Magnum investiga si hi ha una explicació més lògica darrera dels fets.

1x12 Més espès que la sang (Thicker Than Blood)
En T.C. fa un viatge nocturn, però al tornar la guardia de costes el deté per transport de drogues. En Magnum i en Rick estan segurs que és innocent, però es queden de pedra quan en TC accepta els càrrecs i rebutja la seva ajuda.

1x13 Tots els camins porten a Floyd (All Roads Lead to Floyd)
Una dona jove contracta en Magnum per trobar el seu pare qui, després d’haver estat desaparegut durant deu anys, li ha enviat una postal des de Hawaii. El seu pare, però, està involucrat en algun negoci fosc.

1x14 Adelaide (Adelaide)
Una dona contracta en Magnum per protegir en "Norman", que està segrestat fins que pagui un rescat, però el cas pren un rumb inesperat quan en Magnum descobreix que es l'oncle de la noda, un vell vietnamita, i que en Norman no es ningú més que un preuat cavall de carreres.

1x15 No diguis adéu (Don't Say Goodbye)
Havent estat contractat amb anterioritat per la rica cega Agatha Kimball per trobar la seva neta desapareguda, els serveis d’en Mangum tornen a fer falta perquè un xantatgista assegura tenir informació sobre ella.

1x16 L'orquídea negra (The Black Orchid)
En Magnum es contractat per una dona per actuar per la seva rica germana. S'hi passa molt de temps amb aquesta excèntrica dona, i quan se n'adona que el seu marit es un infame gelós i amb mal temperament home de negocis, decideix acabar el seu contracte.

1x17 J. 'Talp' Doyle (J. 'Digger' Doyle)
En Magnum prova d’impressionar a una bonica fan d’en Robin deixant-li veure la finca fins que descobreix que, en realitat, es tracta d’una experta en seguretat contractada per en Masters per que comprovi la seguretat de la propietat. Una amenaça de mort cap a l’escriptor fa que hagin de millorar les mesures de seguretat de la casa.

1x18 Qui vol lluir ha de patir (Beauty Knows No Pain)
En Magnum és contractat per la Barbara Terranova, una dona en bancarrota que només pot pagar els seus serveis durant un dia, per tal de trobar el seu promès, Roger. El cas es complica quan en Thomas s’adona que hi ha més gent buscant en Roger.

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Entrades: 10698
Membre des de: ds. feb. 17, 2007 16:37
Ubicació: Sant Martí (BCN)
Status: Desconnectat

Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » ds. nov. 06, 2021 9:09

Temporada II:

2x01 Billy Joe Bob (Billy Joe Bob)
En Billy Joe Bob arriba a Hawaii per contractar en Magnum perquè busqui la seva germana. En Thomas ja té prou feina a evitar que en Billy Joe Bob s'esbatussi a cada local que visiten.

2x02 L'estret de l'home mort (Dead Man's Channel)
Després que el vaixell del seu pare arqueòleg és trobat abandonat al mar, prop del Canal Nehoa, una jove marinera, estudiant de biologia, contracta en Magnum per descobrir què ha passat.

2x03 La dona de la platja (The Woman on the Beach)
La Sara Clifford es va suïcidar l'estiu del 1945 en caure amb el seu cotxe per un penya-segat. En Rick troba una dona vestida de blanc, de nom Sarah, al Club del Rei Kamehameha, però quan surten a passejar per la platja, la dona desapareix.

2x04 De Moscou to Maui (From Moscow to Maui)
Un any després d'escapar de Moscou amb un avió Mig-30, un desertor soviètic contracta en Magnum per ajudar la seva nòvia a escapar-se de l'equip olímpic que visita Hawaii.

2x05+2x06 Un record és per sempre (Memories Are Forever)
Mentre està treballant en un cas rutinari de divorci, en Magnum veu fugaçment una dona que és igual que la Michelle, la noia amb qui es va casar durant la guerra del Vietnam i creia que havia mort en un bombardeig. L’únic que li queda de la breu llambregada són algunes fotografies borroses que ha aconseguit fer, i tant en T.C. com en Rick, sense estar plenament convençuts, l’ajuden a pentinar la zona.

2x07 Bogeria Tropical (Tropical Madness)
En Magnum es sorprès per una bonica dona anglesa que prefereix en Higgins per als seus assumptes. En Magnum sospita que s'interessa per en Higgins per utilitzar-lo.

2x08 Diga-li adéu (Wave Goodbye)
Quan un ex-campió de surf, que era amic d'en Magnum, en Rick i en TC, és trobat mort a la platja, en Magnum s'adona que la policia no tracta el cas de forma important, i es posa a investigar la mort.

2x09 Buck Gibson el boig (Mad Buck Gibson)
Joan Gibson, l'exdona d'un infame aventurer, autor del buscat 'Boig' Buck Gibson, contracta en Magnum per protegir-la del seu exmarit, qui, en contra de la seva edat, continua vivint la seva vida al màxim.

2x10 El segrest de Dick McWilliams (The Taking of Dick McWilliams)
En Magnum és contractat per la dona japonesa d’un vell amic quan el seu marit, ara ric, és segrestat i demanen un rescat de 500 mil dòlars.

2x11 La sisena posició (The Sixth Position)
Com a favor per en Robin Masters, en Magnum es troba actuant de guardaespatlles d'una famosa ballarina, visitant d'un grup, després de rebre amenaces de mort.

2x12 Escriptora a l'ombra (Ghost Writer)
En Magnum és contractat per una atractiva escriptora a l’ombra que està escrivint una biografia de l’excèntric multimilionari Harold Farber, el qual ella mai ha conegut en persona, comunicant-se només per telèfon. Totes les notes de l’escriptora són robades en un intent obvi d’evitar que el llibre s’escrigui.

2x13 La matança de Jororo (The Jororo Kill)
En Magnum és atrapat en un foc creuat entre polítics internacionals i terroristes quan un corresponsal de notícies que ell, en TC i en Rick van conèixer a Vietnam, arriba a Honolulu, preguntant per la seva ajuda per trobar un important assassí internacional, que té com a missió matar el primer ministre d'una república d'una petita illa.

2x14 Cita per computadora (Computer Date)
Mentre treballa per una gran corporació per investigar un cas de possible espionatge informàtic, en Magnum és contractat per un dels presidents de la companyia per vigilar la seva dona, que sospita que té un affair.

2x15 Fes memòria (Try to Remember)
En Magnum desperta després d'un accident on conduïa el Ferrari per una muntanya tornant a casa d'un sopar amb uns clients, per als qui buscava una jove desapareguda.

2x16 Gelat italià (Italian Ice)
Després que en Magnum rescati una dona jove i guapa d'uns gangsters de Sicília, filla d'un amic d'en Robin, la noia es queda a casa dels Masters.

2x17 Un altre estiu (One More Summer)
Després d'un intent d'assassinat a l'Acadèmia Naval, en Magnum entra a l'equip de Futbol Americà professional.

2x18 Texas Lightning (Texas Lightning)
En Magnum és contractat per Jeannie Lowry com a guardaespatlles mentre juga al pòquer d'alt risc en un iot.

2x19 Doble risc (Double Jeopardy)
En Magnum torna d'un cas fora de Honolulu, i troba que la casa Masters està sent usada per un equip per gravar una nova pel·lícula, basada en un dels llibres d'en Robin.

2x20 L'última pàgina (The Last Page)
Un veterà del Vietnam, que en Magnum coneix d'una missió on els dos van servir durant la guerra, el contracta suposadament per trobar la seva nòvia desapareguda. Però realment vol trobar un vell adversari.

2x21 L'història d'Elmo Ziller (The Elmo Ziller Story)
En Magnum té la certesa que en Higgins amaga alguna cosa, quan coneix el suposat germà il·legítim Elmo Ziller, guitarrista i apoderat d'un ranxo de Rodeos a Texas.

2x22 Tres menys dos (Three Minus Two)
Una bonica dissenyadora de moda contracta en Magnum per protegir-la, ja que dos companys de la seva companyia de disseny han estat assassinats.
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Entrades: 10698
Membre des de: ds. feb. 17, 2007 16:37
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Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » ds. nov. 06, 2021 9:09

Temporada III:

3x01+02 Has vist sortir el Sol? (Did You See the Sun Rise?)
Magnum, TC and Nuzo had escaped from a North Vietnamese POW camp during the Vietnam War. Nuzo returns to Hawaii and tells TC that the brutal Russian Colonel who was at the camp has returned to the U.S. and is going to kill him.

3x03 Maleïda maledicció (Ki'is Don't Lie)
The Poison God's Ki'i, a wooden Polynesian God image, was found in a cave in Hawaii. Unless it is returned to the cave, anyone who comes in contact with it will die.

3x04 La vuitena part del poble (The Eighth Part of the Village)
Higgins sends Magnum to the docks to pick up a crate of books but instead of books, he finds a young Japanese woman in the crate.

3x05 Pretèrit indefinit (Past Tense)
TC's helicopter is skyjacked and he is forced to land in a local prison and help a prisoner escape.

3x06 Negre sobre blanc (Black on White)
Higgins is quarantined in the guest house with Magnum because TM may have been exposed to a deadly African virus. Or, is it something else?

3x07 Flashback (Flashback)
Magnum wakes up one morning and finds he is back in 1936 and must solve a murder.

3x08 Tocat (Foiled Again)
Higgins is in a fencing match against a man he has hated for years.

3x09 El senyor Mort Blanca (Mr. White Death)
A professional wrestler from the mainland asks Magnum to find his son.

3x10 Dobles mixtos (Mixed Doubles)
Magnum is tasked with protecting a young tennis pro who is being threatened.

3x11 Gairebé a casa (Almost Home)
Magnum helps a cocktail waitress from Cleveland who wants to place her father's remains on the battleship Arizona in Pearl Harbor.

3x12 Cura't tu mateix (Heal Thyself)
A doctor that Magnum knew in Vietnam when she was an Army nurse is accused of murdering three patients in a Hawaiian hospital.

3x13 En ple ús de les facultats mentals (Of Sound Mind)
Magnum inherits $50 million from a former client who died in a plane crash.

3x14 La fletxa llançada a l'atzar (The Arrow That Is Not Aimed)
A Japanese Samurai warrior brings an antique plate to Hawaii that Robin Masters had purchased. The Samurai is attacked, the plate is stolen and Robin wants TM to recover it.

3x15 Un partit de bàsquet (Basket Case)
TC and Magnum are each coaching a youth basketball team and a young girl joins TM's team.

3x16 L'ornitòleg de Budapest (Birdman of Budapest)
Robin Masters' high school English teacher is staying at the estate while she writes a book about birds.

3x17 Sí, Pare (I Do)
Magnum marries the niece of the company president in order to catch a thief.

3x18 40 anys després de l'illa de la sorra (Forty Years from Sand Island)
Two Japanese-Americans who were interned on Sand Island in January 1942 witness two soldiers beating a fellow Japanese internee to death. This incident causes repercussions today.

3x19 El llegat d'un amic (Legacy from a Friend)
The body of Magnum's friend, an experienced lifeguard, is found on a beach after an apparent drowning but TM does not believe he drowned.

3x20 L'un per l'altre (Two Birds of a Feather)
A single engine light aircraft being flow from California to Hawaii crashes in the tidal pool at the estate.

3x21 Pels fills, tot (...By its cover)
Magnum meets an old Naval Academy buddy and ends up delivering marijuana.

3x22 La gran ventada (The Big Blow)
A hurricane is hitting Hawaii on the night of Robin Masters' spring equinox party.

3x23 El bàcul de Sant Patrici (Faith and Begorrah)
Higgins' half brother, an Irish Catholic priest from Northern Ireland, arrives in Hawaii to confront a British officer who he claims stole an ancient artifact from his church.
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Autor del tema
Entrades: 10698
Membre des de: ds. feb. 17, 2007 16:37
Ubicació: Sant Martí (BCN)
Status: Desconnectat

Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » ds. nov. 06, 2021 9:10

Temporada IV:

4x01 Home a l'aigua (Home from the Sea)
It is July 4th and Magnum is off the coast on his surf ski when a speed boat shoots past him throwing TM into the water and the surf ski drifts away.

4x02 Luther Gillis, fitxa n.521 (Luther Gillis: File #521)
Luther Gillis is a private investigator from St. Louis who was hired by the father of a 16-year-old runaway girl to find her. At the same time, Magnum was hired by the girl's mother to find her. Can they work together?

4x03 Curt de talla (Smaller Than Life)
Rick's old friend Waldo Norris is caught trying to break into a guarded building. Waldo claims he is working for an insurance company and is investigating the loss of a valuable figurine.

4x04 Distància Relativa (Distant Relative)
Rick's 22-year-old sister Wendy arrives in Hawaii. Rick still believes that she is a young, innocent girl and asks Magnum to entertain her while Rick works at the club.

4x05 Societat limitada (Limited Engagement)
Investigating a series of convenience store robberies, Magnum also comes across a couple of elderly ladies, who live in a broken-down house with other elderly people who are being harassed by a no-good slum lord.

4x06 Carta a una duquessa (Letter to a Duchess)
Higgins meets an English duchess who he was enamored with over the years.

4x07 Joc brut (Squeeze Play)
Robin Masters' bets Buzz, a "girlie magazine" publisher, that the King Kamehameha Club softball team can beat Buzz's team.

4x08 Sentit de l'obligació (A Sense of Debt)
Magnum is in Detroit and TC is using the Ferrari. While driving the car, TC has an accident and injures a bare knuckles fighter and he has to take his place in the ring.

4x09 La mirada (The Look)
Holly Fox was a DJ in Vietnam admired by all the servicemen including Magnum, TC and Rick. While listening to the radio one day, Magnum hears a voice that he believes is Holly Fox.

4x10 Operació Santa Nit (Operation: Silent Night)
It's Christmas time and TC is flying Magnum (dressed as Santa Claus), Rick and Higgins to three different islands. En route, TC is forced to make an emergency landing on an island that the Navy uses for gunnery practice.

4x11 Adéu a Jororo (Jororo Farewell)
The Jororo Islands youth baseball team is in Hawaii to play TC'S All-Stars. The Jororo center fielder is 12-year-old Prince Danny who is a target of Jororian dissidents.

4x12 El món és un teatre (The Case of the Red Faced Thespian)
The "Great Gatsby Gala", with everyone dressed in 1920s costumes, is being held at the estate and Magnum is responsible for security.

4x13 Per què són els amics (No More Mr. Nice Guy)
Assistant District Attorney Carol Baldwin was removed as prosecutor of a major criminal case and then fired. She enlists Magnum's help in finding evidence against the man she was prosecuting.

4x14 La filla d'en Rembrandt (Rembrandt's Girl)
A woman whose father was just released from prison approaches Magnum asking him to follow her father to ensure he does not commit a crime. Thomas ends up trapped in a bank vault with the woman.

4x15 El blues del paradís (Paradise Blues)
Alexis, a famed singer that Magnum and TC knew in Vietnam, comes to Hawaii and asks Thomas to find a man who owes her $18,000.

4x16 El retorn d'en Luther Gillis (The Return of Luther Gillis)
Luther, and his secretary Blanche, come to Hawaii where Gillis is being given an award for his book.

4x17 Que el càstig s'ajusti al crim (Let the Punishment Fit the Crime)
A woman from the mainland hires Magnum to find her brother who apparently joined a cult.

4x18 Sherlock Holmes no té fronteres (Holmes Is Where the Heart Is)
Higgins is writing his memoirs about a former Sandhurst classmate who now thinks he is Sherlock Holmes.

4x19 Deixa'm llegir-te la cara (On Face Value)
While getting mixed up in a car chase with a couple of fencing suspects, Magnum is responsible for injuring an innocent bystander and brings her from the hospital to Robin's Nest.

4x20 Un breu somni (Dream a Little Dream)
Magnum takes on the case of an old friend who's a pro surfer with an ex-husband trying to kidnap their daughter.

4x21 Jo, testimoni (I Witness)
Higgins, Rick, TC and others are in the King Kamehameha Club when three burglars with guns demand money.
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Autor del tema
Entrades: 10698
Membre des de: ds. feb. 17, 2007 16:37
Ubicació: Sant Martí (BCN)
Status: Desconnectat

Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » ds. nov. 06, 2021 9:10

Temporada V:

5x01 Ecos de la ment, 1a part (Echoes of the Mind: Part 1)
Higgins is getting married and Magnum is hired by Diane Dupres who believes people are attempting to harm her.

5x02 Ecos de la ment, 2a part (Echoes of the Mind: Part 2)
Deirdre Dupres, Diane's twin sister, arrives and tells Magnum the truth about Diane.

5x03 Torna en Mac (Mac's Back)
Magnum is despondent over his loss of his wife Michelle, his father, Mac McReynolds and now Diane Dupres. While driving in Honolulu the next day, he sees a man who could be an identical twin for Mac McReynolds.

5x04 El llegat de Garwood Huddle (The Legacy of Garwood Huddle)
Garwood Huddle, an infamous 1940s bank robber, escapes from a Hawaiian prison and asks Magnum to help locate his grandson who has been kidnapped.

5x05 Sota món (Under World)
TC is returning from Molokai when he encounters engine problems and crashes into the water just before landing.

5x06 Fragments (Fragments) (V3)
A psychic hires Magnum to investigate her murder.

5x07 Justícia cega (Blind Justice)
Carol Baldwin, the assistant district attorney, hires Magnum to investigate a man who allegedly murdered his wife.

5x08 El cas 101 (Murder 101)
Magnum is teaching a class in private investigation at a local college and the class decides to find the missing fiancé of one of the students.

5x09 Tran Quoc Jones (Tran Quoc Jones)
A 10-year-old Amerasian boy, who is in the country illegally, asks Magnum to help him find his father.

5x10 El cas 001 d'en Luther Gillis (Luther Gillis: File #001)
Robin Masters asks Magnum to track down an embezzler working in a local bank. Meanwhile, Higgins is being blackmailed and since Magnum is busy, he recruits Luther Gillis to help him find the blackmailer.

5x11 El petó del sabre (Kiss of the Sabre)
Magnum has been evicted from the guest house so that Betty Wyndom can write a mystery novel based on the character Sebastian Sabre.

5x12 Jocs innocents (Little Games)
A Robin Masters' sponsored jewelry design competition is being held at the estate with over $170 million worth of jewelry on display and the insurance company sends Krista Villeroch to check on the estate's security.

5x13 El professor Jonathan Higgins (Professor Jonathan Higgins)
Higgins' cousin Sally arrives in Hawaii to get married and Higgins has a big surprise. Meanwhile, Magnum is helping Agatha recover $10,000 from a bankrupt investment.

5x14 Compulsió (Compulsion)
Someone is harassing Assistant District Attorney Carol Baldwin and Magnum agrees to help her. Higgins is facing a reunion with his old Sandhurst classmates.

5x15 Tots per un, 1a part (All for One: Part 1)
Magnum, TC, Rick and Higgins volunteer to go to Cambodia to rescue two Americans.

5x16 Tots per un, 2a part (All for One: Part 2)
Magnum and Higgins are captured along with Tyler. Rick and TC rescue Magnum and the others, and a gun fight ensues. Freedom wins and everyone returns home.

5x17 El vaixell de l'amor (The Love-for-Sale Boat)
Mac sells Rick an expensive boat crewed by three beautiful Japanese women.

5x18 Deixa'm escoltar la música (Let Me Hear the Music)
Magnum is hired by a country and western singer who is looking for five songs written by his friend 30-years-ago.

5x19 La senyora Jones (Ms. Jones)
Ms. Jones, the records clerk that Magnum always encounters, asks TM to find her missing husband.

5x20 L'home de Marsella (The Man from Marseilles)
World famous French detective Jean Claude Fornier arrives in Hawaii and asks Magnum to help him find a missing heir.

5x21 Torah, Torah, Torah (Torah, Torah, Torah)
A Torah is stolen from a rabbi who is Higgins' friend and Magnum volunteers to help recover it.

5x22 Una gallina força balladora (A Pretty Good Dancing Chicken)
Assistant District Attorney Carol Baldwin's 17-year-old cousin is missing and Carol asks Magnum to help find her.
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Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » ds. nov. 06, 2021 9:10

Temporada VI:

6x01+02 Deja Vu (Deja Vu)
Magnum and Higgins go to England to prepare Robin Masters' latest purchase, a castle, for a party. While there, Magnum looks up an old friend only to learn he is dead.

6x03 Una vella coneixença (Old Acquaintance)
Magnum is reunited with a former high school friend and they try to recover a kidnapped dolphin.

6x04 Els vents Kona (The Kona Winds)
Magnum rescues a woman who attempted suicide and then strives to protect her from her husband.

6x05 Detectiu d'hotel (The Hotel Dick)
When he takes a job as a hotel detective, Magnum's attempts at catching a cat burglar preying upon guests are complicated by his relationship with a hooker who keeps getting him into trouble with both criminals and his boss.

6x06 Vinga voltes (Round and Around)
TC's friend is killed during a store robbery and Magnum and TC set out to find the killers.

6x07 A casa (Going Home)
Magnum goes home to Virginia to attend his grandfather's funeral. And when a family heirloom goes missing he accuses his step father of stealing it to save his business.

6x08 Paniolo (Paniolo)
Magnum is hired by a cattle rancher on the big island of Hawaii to catch cattle rustlers.

6x09 El tresor de Kalaniopu'u (The Treasure of Kalaniopu'u)
Robin Masters' publisher buries a chest containing $1 million on Oahu and a contest is held to find it. Magnum is tasked with protecting the woman who has the clues to the chest's whereabouts.

6x10 Sang i honor (Blood and Honor)
Magnum is recalled to active duty by a Navy admiral and tasked with finding a spy.

6x11 Embadaliment (Rapture)
While diving with TC, Magnum sees a young boy without diving gear who gestures Magnum to follow him.

6x12 Al capdavall, tampoc me'n volia anar a França (I Never Wanted to Go to France, Anyway)
Higgins' friend brings his carnival to Hawaii and Magnum is asked to find the murderer of one of the trapeze performers.

6x13 Escola d'estiu (Summer School)
Robin Masters' nephew 'RJ' has been sent to the estate so Higgins can educate and teach the young man discipline.

6x14 Anglesos i gossos rabiosos (Mad Dogs and Englishmen)
Robin Masters has fired Higgins and Magnum is awaiting the arrival of his replacement.

6x15 Tots els lladres a coberta (All Thieves on Deck)
Magnum, TC and Rick are aboard a cruise ship guarding a wooden Hawaiian family God statue belonging to Robin Masters.

6x16 Aquesta illa no és prou gran (This Island Isn't Big Enough...)
Rick is sailing a yacht with four male passengers when the boat is attacked by gunmen.

6x17 El cavall de Troia (Way of the Stalking Horse)
An insurance salesman from the Mainland hires Magnum to find his father who he has not seen in over 20 years.

6x18 Porta'm un arc de Sant Martí (Find Me a Rainbow)
Magnum is hired by a rich young woman who wants him to find a former family chauffeur who stole a string of pearls, or that is what she says.

6x19 Qui és Don Luis Higgins i per què em fa aquestes coses tan terribles? (Who Is Don Luis Higgins... and Why Is He Doing These Terrible Things to Me?)
Higgins' life is turned upside down when a man claiming to be his half brother shows up at a Hawaiian Islands chess tournament.

6x20 Una mica de sort, una mica de pena (A Little Bit of Luck, A Little Bit of Grief)
Rick wins one million dollars on a game show and falls in love with a beautiful blond. Magnum and T.C. try to save the Little League team's clubhouse.

6x21 Joc de fotografies (Photo Play)
A woman who is writing a book about road signs hires Magnum because someone is following her and attempting to steal something but she does not know what it is.
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Membre des de: ds. feb. 17, 2007 16:37
Ubicació: Sant Martí (BCN)
Status: Desconnectat

Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » ds. nov. 06, 2021 9:10

Temporada VII:

7x01+02 Los Angeles (L.A.)
Magnum is in Los Angeles serving a writ when he meets a woman who is later murdered. Magnum sets out to find the killer and possibly finds his soulmate.

7x03 El valor d'un quadre (One Picture Is Worth)
A deaf woman witnesses a bank robbery where four people are murdered. Magnum agrees to act as her bodyguard after the murderer is released on bail.

7x04 Sense embuts (Straight and Narrow)
Lesley, the prostitute Magnum met while working as a hotel detective, is back and she asks Thomas for help in finding her sister.

7x05 A.A.P.I. (A.A.P.I.)
Magnum is being awarded the Local PI Of The Year Award when the presenter, French detective Jean Claude Fornier, collapses and dies. Thomas, aided by several other PIs, sets out to find the murderer.

7x06 Impostos i asassinants (Death and Taxes)
A psycho killer calls Magnum and gives him clues to the next victim.

7x07 Nena perduda (Little Girl Who)
Michelle, Magnum's wife, is back and she asks Thomas to take care of her daughter.

7x08 Guerra de paper (Paper War)
Magnum and Higgins engage in an all out prank war leading to Magnum finally accusing Higgins of being Robin Masters.

7x09 Connexió novel·lesca (Novel Connection)
Jessica Fletcher helps Magnum investigate an attempt on the life of Higgins and several guests.

7x10 Kapu (Kapu)
Magnum saves the life of a native Hawaiian girl who witnesses a hit. Wounded in the getaway, Magnum is nursed back to health on the forbidden island of Kapu.

7x11 Melodia desapareguda (Missing Melody)
T.C. faces his worst nightmare when his daughter is kidnapped.

7x12 La mort de les flors (Death of the Flowers)
Magnum helps Carol investigate whether her mentor, Judge Hannibal Kearns, is in trouble. Rick plans a birthday party for Icepick.

7x13 L'ocàs del soldat (Autumn Warrior)
Higgins takes three boys from a juvenile jail on a survivalist weekend on a deserted island.

7x14 Assassinat a la nit (Murder by Night)
1940's Magnum investigates the murder of a newspaper publisher in a classic whodunit mystery.

7x15 En moviment (On the Fly)
Magnum's attempts to secure a pilot's license in order to land a job in Oklahoma are put on hold when T.C. is shot, and it turns out that the bullet was meant for Magnum.

7x16 Vol en solitari (Solo Flight)
Magnum goes on a soul-searching trek after a being terminated from a case he couldn't solve. His trip leads him to the top of a mountain where he spotted an old plane crash from WWII, only to be pinned under the fuselage, leg bleeding, and trying to keep from going delirious when he can't free himself.

7x17 Quaranta (Forty)
Magnum's 40th birthday is approaching and he is hired to locate a Chinese gang ""shaking down' local merchants.

7x18 Laura (Laura)
Sgt. Michael Doheny (Frank Sinatra), a retired New York cop, learns that his beloved granddaughter was kidnapped and murdered by incredibly vicious sexual predators during his retirement celebration. Sgt. Doheny eventually tracks the two killers to Hawaii and enlists Magnum's help without telling him why he wants to find the men. One of the killers flees Doheny and is run over by a bus. In a quiet, intense way, Doheny describes the killing to Magnum and makes it perfectly clear that he will kill the other murderer if he finds him, no matter what the circumstances.

7x19 Falta de coordinació (Out of Sync)
Cynthia Farrell, the woman Magnum fell in love with while in Los Angeles, is visiting but Thomas is involved with Andrea who claims that someone is going to kill her.

7x20 La tieta que va venir a sopar (The Aunt Who Came to Dinner)
Magnum's favorite aunt, famous playwright Phoebe Sullivan, comes to Hawaii and asks Thomas to protect her from someone trying to kill her.

7x21 El poble contra Orville Wrigth (The People vs. Orville Wright)
Rick confesses and is jailed for the murder of a ""hit man.""

7x22 En els llimbs (Limbo)
Magnum is shot in a warehouse and is left for dead. He then ""sees"" but cannot communicate with Higgins, Rick, TC, Carol, Michelle, et al.
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Entrades: 10698
Membre des de: ds. feb. 17, 2007 16:37
Ubicació: Sant Martí (BCN)
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Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » ds. nov. 06, 2021 9:10

Temporada VII:

8x01 L'infinit i dònuts ensucrats (Infinity and Jelly Doughnuts)
Magnum is in a coma after he was shot in a warehouse and his mother, Higgins, TC, Rick, Carol and a priest are with him hoping he regains consciousness.

8x02 Principi del plaer (Pleasure Principle)
In a switch, Higgins becomes irresponsible and acts like Magnum while Magnum acts and dresses like Higgins.

8x03 Pura innocència (Innocence... A Broad)
Magnum finds himself with some unwanted but beautiful help in a case involving Robin Masters being named in a lawsuit.

8x04 El fan dels tigres (Tigers Fan)
Lieutenant Tanaka is murdered and Magnum sets out to find his killer.

8x05 Per sempre més (Forever in Time)
Magnum keeps seeing a woman who looks like a Hawaiian princess who died in 1910.

8x06 L'amor que enganya (The Love That Lies)
Magnum is hired by a woman to find the child she gave up 30 years ago.

8x07 Una noia anomenada Sue (A Girl Named Sue)
A woman hires Magnum claiming that her brother killed their father and stole his will. At the same time, the brother hires Susan Johnson, the woman Thomas was locked in a bank vault with and is now a P.I., to investigate his sister.

8x08 Assumpte pendent (Unfinished Business)
Quang Ki, the man who shot and almost killed Magnum and wants to kill Michelle and Lily Catherine, is on trial for attempted murder when the case is suddenly dismissed.

8x09 La companyia gran aventura hawaiana (The Great Hawaiian Adventure Company)
Magnum has developed a great idea for a new business while TC's son is in Hawaii and running with a motorcycle gang and getting jailed.

8x10 La llegenda de l'art perdut (Legend of the Lost Art)
Higgins asks Magnum to find a long-lost artifact, "The Lost Art of the Ancients" before it can fall into the wrong hands.

8x11 Transicions (Transitions)
The manuscript of Robin Masters' latest novel is stolen and Higgins enlists Magnum's help in retrieving it. Magnum is assisted by Luther Gillis who arrives on vacation.

8x12 Resolucions (1a part) (Resolutions (Part I))
Magnum returns to Virginia on vacation and reflects on his life, his marriage to Michelle and his experiences. He hastily returns to Hawaii when TV reporter Linda Lee Ellison is attacked.

8x13 Resolucions (2a part) (Resolutions (Part II))
Someone special comes into Magnum's life. Robin Masters' identity is revealed. Magnum resigns his position at Robin's Nest and makes a life change. Rick gets married.
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Ubicació: Sant Martí (BCN)
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Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » ds. nov. 06, 2021 9:11

En Magefesa i jo mateix us brindem aquest lliurament de la clàssica Magnum P.I., que ara podreu gaudir en HD!
Aprofiteu, descarregueu i compartiu! :D

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Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: Petiso » ds. nov. 06, 2021 21:15

Ole!! Mersi arle!
Imatge Imatge

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Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: naroatna » ds. nov. 06, 2021 22:56

Moltes gràcies !!


Fins aviat!

Moltes gràcies!

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Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: nasticdetgn » dg. nov. 07, 2021 10:22

Bon dia, l'episodi pilot no es postejarà?

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Entrades: 10698
Membre des de: ds. feb. 17, 2007 16:37
Ubicació: Sant Martí (BCN)
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Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » dg. nov. 07, 2021 10:35

No es va doblar mai al català. És un projecte que tenim pendent de fa anys 😜
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Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: Moligonet1 » dg. nov. 07, 2021 10:51

Molt bon dia, a part d'aquesta sèrie teniu alguna més?

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Autor del tema
Entrades: 10698
Membre des de: ds. feb. 17, 2007 16:37
Ubicació: Sant Martí (BCN)
Status: Desconnectat

Re: [ed2k] Magnum P.I. (1980) HDRip


Entrada Autor: arakelov » dg. nov. 07, 2021 11:36

Un munt! Passeja't per aquest subfòrum de Sèries :D
Why you think the net was born? Porn! Porn! Porn!
