[Docu] L'apropiació del descobriment d'Amèrica... (2003)

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[Docu] L'apropiació del descobriment d'Amèrica... (2003)


Entrada Autor: PLoK » dt. març 17, 2009 3:12

L'apropiació del descobriment d'Amèrica, una conspiració d'estat? (David Grau, 2003, VOcat)


Basat a la "Brevísima Relació de la Destrucció de la historia" de'n Jordi Bilbeny

Idioma: Català
Duració: 71 min

Sinopsis: A woman begins to follow a trail of clues indicated by a young historian, discovering for herself the historical falsification that shrouds all the facts related to the discovery and conquest of America. Historically accepted, this deception has been maintained for over 500 years. The woman goes on to uncover, one by one, the historical and political distortions that the discovery of America hides. The character of Christopher Columbus was deliberately falsified by the kingdom of Castile and subsequently by the Spanish state, in order to disguise the true nationality of the discoverer, concealing his origins, his family, his wife and children, the purpose of the voyage, his age, etc., in order to supplant him with a character from the same era, but who was in no way related to the historical facts and merely had the same name as the Admiral. As the documentary shows, the source of the whole problem was the deep-rooted enmity between Columbus and the King of Aragón, Fernando the Catholic. Columbus, a soldier and noble from Barcelona, had his mind put at rest when he signed a legal contract (the Capitulaciones de Santa Fe) in 1492, which obliged the Catholic kings to make him immensely rich and powerful if the discovery enterprise was successful. However, Fernando the Catholic, an experienced and unscrupulous statesman, had borne a grudge against Columbus ever since the time when, thirty years earlier, the future pioneer had been one of the soldiers at the forefront of the Catalan revolt against his father, King Joan II. These two monarchs were not part of the Catalan royal dynasty, but that of the Castillan Trastámaras, and they never accepted the Catalan tradition of establishing pacts whereby monarchs could not rule with absolute power, as was the case in Castile and France. As of the first discoveries, Fernando the Catholic set about timidly failing to fulfil the signed agreements and favouring the kingdom of Castile's progressive entry into the new territories. With the passage of time and the complete (?) unification of the two kingdoms, due to Castile's political and military might, history has come to overlook the central role played by Catalonia in this universally important event. This is attributable to ongoing censorship by Castillan civil servants, who manipulated all the original historical sources, distorting reality to create their national myth and removing or replacing the real historical characters. This is an absolutely vital aspect in terms of understanding the true genesis of this epic tale, whose protagonist was Cristòfor Colom, a pioneering visionary and a figure who has been distorted to transform him into Christopher Columbus, a Genoese innkeeper who died without knowing that the dark hand of censorship would use him to supplant the true discoverer of the New World.

ed2k://|file|L'apropiaci%C3%B3%20del%20 ... Grau%20%5b

PLoK l’ha editat per darrera vegada el dia: dt. març 17, 2009 13:21, en total s’ha editat 1 vegada.

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Re: [Docu] L'apropiació del descobriment d'Amèrica... (2003)


Entrada Autor: Oliana » dt. març 17, 2009 9:35


Per a que es vegi bé l'elink has de canviar els
i els

I si està en català, el fòrum ideal seria el de "documentals".

Gràcies i a baixar!!!

Autor del tema
Entrades: 51
Membre des de: dc. oct. 29, 2008 19:19
Status: Desconnectat

Re: [Docu] L'apropiació del descobriment d'Amèrica... (2003)


Entrada Autor: PLoK » dt. març 17, 2009 13:33

Okidoki Oliana, prenc nota pel pròxim cop. La veritat és que ho vaig fer una mica a la brava xP
He clonat el fil a Documentals... si voleu tanqueu aquest.

Salut i gràcies!

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Membre des de: dc. feb. 07, 2007 7:59
Ubicació: Molins del borbo
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Re: [Docu] L'apropiació del descobriment d'Amèrica... (2003)


Entrada Autor: aliga » dt. març 17, 2009 13:43

Tampoc poden haver-hi espais pel mig :wink:

Salut a tothom
Imatge Imatge Imatge
