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[ed2k] Nip/Tuck T4 VO

Publicat: dl. nov. 06, 2006 14:41
Autor: xordi

4a Temporada en versió original dels cirurgians de Miami!
Podeu trobar els subs a webs de subtitols com asia-team

4x01 indy Plumb
4x02 Blue Mondae
4x03 Monica Wilder
4x04 Shari Noble
4x05 Dawn Budge
4x06 Faith Wolper
4x07 Burt Landau
4x08 Conor McNamara
4x09 Liz Cruz

Publicat: dj. set. 13, 2007 12:02
Autor: Monstrumo
Open your eyes and look at what you did. No, really? wow... that's amazing man.... Yep you failed preety hard right there... I've talked to Apes that were smarter than you. Hehe, no estic nervios, m'estic preparant per els examens d'angles! Aixo m'anirà chapo!